Welcome and thank you for visiting my webpage!

I am a scientist, researcher and consultant; working in forestry, agriculture and the environmental sectors.

I have specialised in estimating carbon capture and greenhouse gas emissions from forest and agricultural systems. Not only using available accounting tools and resources, but developing new methods.

My goal is to to bridge the gap between academia and the world, thus to put the latest science and technical knowledge at your service.

As an experienced decision-maker with a multidisciplinary scientific background, offering a range of services (click in the link for more details):

Contact me if you feel I can support you or provide any help or solution to you or your business.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
You can meet me in the About me section and see some examples of my previous work in the Portafolio section.


Have a great day



Alicia Ledo alicialedo@gmail.com